Can you help support our pollinators? Between 75% and 95% of all flowering plants on the earth need pollinators and 33% of our food needs pollinators. Loss of feeding and nesting habitats is one of the reasons pollinators are in decline. You can help rebuild these habitats.
DO YOU HAVE A GARDEN? Download this pollinator calendar for gardens designed by Kate Bradbury, local author, journalist and TV presenter specialising in wildlife gardening.
NO GARDEN? NEW TO GARDENING? Can you find space for a small 1ft x 1ft planter? Can you learn to grow a flower? Download an order form for our hand made upcycled planter or pick one up from Harriet's of Hove. Planters come with their own pollinator calendar specially designed by Kate Bradbury.
Our hand made upcycled planters are available exclusively from Harriet's of Hove.