The Challenge

Bioregional consider this to be the challenge we face globally in relation to Zero Waste:

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  • the waste from discarded products and packaging which is creating a huge disposal problem while wasting valuable resources

The Goals

Bioregional identify the following goals, set so we can all contribute to a common and ultimate goal:

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  • to reduce wasteful consumption
  • to maximise reuse and recycling
  • to aim for zero waste to landfill

The Green Centre

Our ZERO WASTE actions

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Between 2006 and 2017, our Community Recycling Programme grew from collecting just 6 items to 65 items. Early in that period, in 2009, we expanded our efforts by promoting the Waste Hierarchy and introducing a Community Reuse Programme, offering second-hand items for sale or donation. We collaborated extensively with local Zero Waste champions to share knowledge and best practice. 

To share our expertise with residents we launched our Green A to Z, an online guide helping residents find reuse and recycling options across the city. This inspired Brighton and Hove City Council to launch their own A to Z. See below our mini A to Z guide available to download. 

By 2020, with major retailers like Boots, Superdrug, Tesco, Co-op offering recycling schemes we were able to shift our to Circular Economy initiatives.