The Challenge

Bioregional consider this to be the challenge we face globally in relation to Sustainable Products: 

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  • destructive patterns of resource exploitation and use of non-local materials in construction and manufacture increase environmental harm and reduce gains to the local economy

The Goals

Bioregional identify the following goals, set so we can all contribute to a common and ultimate goal:

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  • to promote sustainable living by making it easy to share and reduce consumption of natural materials
  • to carefully consider every material and product and select them for their positive social and environmental benefit or for reducing negative impact
  • to promote materials and products that are not toxic to humans or wildlife at any stage in their lifecycle, from raw materials through to manufacturing, use and end -of-life

The Green Centre


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1. Local actions
Our starting point was to identify some simple ideas to include in our work on a daily basis:

  • initially this involved learning the stories of the materials we reused and recycled as part of our Zero Waste programme.
  • more recently we have been learning about the Circular Economy
  • read more about Circular Economy in, "Welcome to the Circular Economy" written by Claire Potter a sustainable design, circular economy and marine litter expert based in Brighton.
  • we have consciously chosen to reduce our consumption of virgin products by focusing on sharing and acquiring second hand. We have done this through:

    • the local community we work with
    • car boot sales
    • Friday-Ad
    • Freegle
    • Gumtree
    • eBay

and similar networks providing opportunities to extend the life of products. 

2. National actions
We have spent time exploring companies who focus on bringing truly sustainable products to the market:

  •  through our relationship with Siobhan Wilson of the FAIR Shop we have been introduced to People Tree, the first fashion company to be awarded the World Fair Trade Organisation product label. 

3. Global actions
Globally we have explored world trends in sustainable materials including:

  • bamboo
  • hemp
  • organic cotton 

Our current focus sees us engaging with the British Hemp Alliance in an effort to to understand the current barriers facing the growth of hemp in the UK.